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slavic mythology artinya

contoh kalimat "slavic mythology"
  • The aircraft series was named after Ilya Muromets, a hero from Slavic mythology.
    Seri Pesawat dinamai Ilya Muromets, seorang pahlawan dari mitologi Rusia.
  • Slavic mythology about the creation of the world and man
    Mitologi Slavia tentang penciptaan dunia dan manusia
  • God of fire in Slavic mythology a secret project the Soviets are working on.
    Dewa Api dalam mitologi Slavia. Proyek rahasia yang dikerjakan Soviet.
  • In Slavic mythology, Rusalka is a water nymph, a female spirit who lives in rivers.
    Dalam mitologi Slavia, rusalka adalah makhluk perempuan yang hidup di air.
  • Ukrainian customs are heavily influenced by the Eastern Orthodox Church and traditions from Slavic mythology.
    Adat-istiadat Ukraina sangat dipengaruhi oleh Gereja Ortodoks dan tradisi dari mitologi Slavia.